Alliance for Peace & Freedom: Golden Dawn MEP Syandinos in Syria

The Alliance for Peace & Freedom is a coalition of European nationalist groups and parties that have formed a bloc to serve the political & national interests of indigenous Europeans. The coalition includes Czech Workers Party, The Dane’s Party, Germany’s NDP, Golden Dawn, Forza Nuova from Italy, the Kotleba nationalist movement of Slovakia, Spain’s National Democracy party, the British Unity & the Belgium Nationalist movements of the Flenders Identitists and the Nation Movement.
Representatives from the Alliance for Peace & Freedom have visited Syria in the past, but a more recent delegate has arrived which included APF president Roberto Fiore (Forza Nuova), MEP Udo Voigt (NPD), MEP Eleftherios Synadinos (Golden Dawn) & board member Herve Van Laethem.
The Delegate of European Nationalists met with members of the Syrian government, and toured Syria, including towns that where torn apart by ISIS savages. Thankfully, the Syrian army is asserting its control over much of these reclaimed territories, and we are seeing the rebuilding of the Syrian nation.
The Baath Party is one of the few remaining Nationalist states the remains in the Middle East, and currently in a battle with international forces to maintain their Socialist & independent sovereign state. Baath Party and National President Assad claimed repeatedly that terrorism will literally export itself from Syria to Europe through illegal immigration, a true statement that in the face of the Paris and Brussels attacks, remains an uncontested fact. Assad has also called for refugees to return to Syria now that the civil war is falling under control, and a degree of stability & security has returned to allow for the rebuilding of the country.
The two above statements show that European & Middle East Nationalists have much common ground, the current refugee crisis can be solved in a mutually beneficial way. Assad needs the man power to rebuild the Syrian State, and Europeans need to focus on their own people first and rebuild their declining societies.  Having literally millions of displaced Syrians spread out all over the Mediterranean serves only the agenda of the Zionists, and a united nationalist front can bring peace and prosperity to every troubled region of the Middle East.  
For this reason, it is important for European Nationalists to work the Syrian government, to drive towards practical solutions without resorted to Merkel’s plan of complete Ethnic replacement.

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