There are 100,000 media outlets registered in Russia. This is a significant force. Moreover, the vast majority of these media, over 90 percent, are private. Thus, rumours that all the media in our nation are state-owned are somewhat exaggerated! The situation is exactly the opposite, but we have a number of respected media that are state-owned, as is the case in other nations as well.

One issue that is very relevant for our nation, given its size, is overcoming the technical, digital, and the so-called content divide between Russian media and leading global media. To be quite frank, we must also overcome the gap between the central national media that are headquartered in Moscow and several major regions of Russia, and the media in the regions.

Basil Venitis,, points out that most newsrooms of America and Europe are infested with antivenitist apes, and their mindset spills over into the news coverage, producing biased news stories on many issues, such as kleptocracy, taxes, environment, government, insurance, and health. Infamous Greek journalists received 100 million euros from Siemens, in order to keep their mouths shut about the billion-euro-kickbacks to Graecokleptocrats!

Venitis, an Athenian orator, claims that the mainstream media are unfair, unbalanced, banal, vane, and hoipolloi trash. Newspapers have become screed wraps of DVDs. TV news has sold its soul to rabblerousers and pullpeddlers and is full of set-up arguments. Reporters have been transformed to statist parrots who doubledip in the state treasury. Anchormen have become the czars of statist banality and propaganda. Guest coordinators have developed the deepest throats in the publicity market! The truth can be found only in the Internet.

Greek journalists are rewarded for their disgusting support of Graecokleptocracy with aggeliosimo, an unfair 20% charge on all advertising, going to the pension fund of their union. All advertisers now have to pay 43% surcharge, 23% VAT and 20% aggeliosimo. This abuse of advertisers and the media is condoned by Fourth Reich, and it puts many media out of business.

Venitis points out forestalling logic, mainly by bluff, intimidation, mudslinging, innuendos, quoting out of context, and getting out of issue, is characteristic of most political debates. Staged argument is the new trend of TV news, in order to raise their audience ratings with melodramatic excitement. Four channels dominate the Greek TV market, brainwashing Greeks in whatever direction they wish, and establishing their own agenda. Their reporters doubledip in the Greek treasury, in order to promote socialist propaganda and nonsense.

Greek nudnik anchors misinform hoi polloi surrounded by antivenitist parrots. TV stations always invite the same characters, those shrews who repeat the same nonsense adinfinitum and adnauseam. Most Greek journalists are in cahoots with the two statist mafias, Pasok and Nea Democratia, to dumb down hoi polloi, in order to perpetuate the corrupt status quo. That's why Greeks browse the Internet in order to find the truth.

Because our brains retain stories better than any other form of information, we develop shortcuts to handle all the information we need to in the modern world. The most important shortcut is the narrative. The narrative is the quick story that has developed over a long period of time for any organization, company or important public figure. It's the way we store and organize the information. The narrative elicits and disseminates knowledge, encourages collaboration, generates new ideas, and ignites change. All TV parrots use narratives to promote their nonsense.

Venitis notes the Fairness Doctrine, aka Censorship Doctrine, was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission(FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was honest, equitable and balanced. The Fairness Doctrine should not be confused with the Equal Time rule. The Fairness Doctrine deals with discussion of controversial issues, while the Equal Time rule deals only with political candidates. In 1987, the FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine, prompting some to urge its reintroduction through either Commission policy or Congressional legislation.

The equal-time rule specifies that radio and television broadcast stations must provide an equivalent opportunity to any opposing political candidates who request it. This means, for example that if a station gives one free minute to a candidate on the prime time, it must do the same for another candidate. However, there are four exceptions: if the air-time was in a documentary, bona fide news interview, scheduled newscast or an on-the-spot news event the equal-time rule is not valid. Since 1983, political debates not hosted by the media station are considered news events, thus may include only major-party candidates without having to offer air time to minor-party or independent candidates.

Antivenitists want to reimpose the Fairness Doctrine, and they now have even more weapons with which they can silence venitists. And now they are seeking to expand their censorship to the internet, and beyond! Communications commissars can use different regulations, like localism and media diversity, to achieve the exact same Fairness Doctrinesque results, silencing the venitist talk radio hosts we love and count on every day.

Commissars believe the federal government has a role in deciding what your local interests are, in your town on your local talk radio station, and want to not renew their licenses based on what they think you need to hear. Antivenitists and bureaucrats also seek to impose media diversity regulations, to force some station owners out and allow their hand-picked cronies in.

Commissars declare that given the new political climate, kleptocrats have a tremendous opportunity going forward to reinvigorate media, to ensure that the public airwaves truly deliver the kind of news and information that kleptocrats need to sustain democratic dialogue and to reflect the great diversity of West.

A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your powwow, get a dynamic speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference.

Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include:

* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your people forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization.

* Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at to craft a speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their program a huge success.

* Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis, leader of Global Tax Revolt and venitism, speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world.

* Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, and spirituality, he can help you determine the ideal subject area for your group.

* Transformation. Your people will be transformed in shock and awe to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.

* Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.

* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.

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